What is Seawork about?
Click here to find out about Seawork
What are the event dates?
Seawork2023 is in-person 13-15 June in Southampton. It is supported online by Seawork.com which is now open for business 365 days a year.
What will be happening at the event?
Seawork2023 will have various hybrid conferences and offers a unique combination of undercover exhibition space, open air demonstrations and floating displays. Seawork.com has changed and now facilitates business 365 days a year. It includes a business database of organisations and individuals who can network and directly connect online. There are meeting areas and regular events scheduled including interviews and podcasts.
How do I register to attend?
Registration to attend Seawork and use of the extended Seawork.com is now open – click here to register.

Can I exhibit at the 2023 exhibition?
Limited opportunities remain at Seawork, please speak to the Seawork Sales Team to discuss availability and best way to showcase and promote your business on +44 1329 825 335 or email info@seawork.com.
How do I add my Team members to my stand?
Visit ‘Edit Profile’ on your dashboard and you will see ‘Team Members’ as one of the tabs across the top, this gives you the option to add the email address of your team members and complete their details. They will then be sent an email to notify them. Standard listings can add 1 team member, enhanced listings can add 2 and premium listings can add 5.
Can I have videos on my Exhibitor Listing?
Enhanced listings can add 1 video. Exhibitors with a Premium listing can add an additional video.
To upgrade please contact +44 1329 825 335 

I forgot my password, can it be reset?
When logging in, you can click on ‘Forgot my password’ and a new one will be sent to you via email.
My login isn’t working, what should I do?
For any guidance on registration and log in, please contact: support@seawork.com
Is there a cost to enter the exhibition?
No - entry to the exhibiton is free to all.
How do I find out about the seminars/conferences and do I need to book?
The conference schedule will be available online in the “Prograamme” section. If you would like further information on the conference or are interested in presenting a paper, please email freeve@seawork.com to confirm your attendance.
Do I have to pay to atted the conferences?
The Commercial Marine Conferences - both the USV Conference and the Hybrid Propulsion Conference - must be paid for. For more information please visit: https://seawork.com/our-conferences
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